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Anti Cancel Culture Leftist Bundle


Bundles are thematically curated zines that cost less when you buy them together. The Anti Cancel Culture Leftist Bundle brings together Fuck the Police Means We Don't Act Like Cops to Each Other #1, Fuck the Police Means We Don't Act Like Cops to Each Other #2, Fuck the Police Means We Don't Act Like Cops to Each Other #3, Refusing Accountability, and Surviving Cancellation. The zines are hard copy and sent in the mail.

Fuck the Police Means We Don't Act Like Cops to Each Other #1:
Fuck the Police Means We Don't Act Like Cops to Each Other is a collection of writing on resisting cancel culture and building a left grounded in compassion, kindness, freedom, and respect for difference. This zine explores many related issues including: defining cancel culture, how cancel culture perpetuates harm rather than addressing it, what it means to take responsibility when we've harmed someone, the practice of intervening on violent situations, a trauma informed challenge to the 'believe survivors' narrative, the need for dissent and disagreement on the left, nervous system education, and overcoming people pleasing. This zine takes the work of justice and liberation seriously, values the healing and autonomy of survivors, believes no one is disposable, and seeks to build communities that are not punitive or authoritarian. This is a love letter to left we are building together, toward a more just world where we aren't afraid of our friends.

Fuck the Police Means We Don't Act Like Cops to Each Other #2:
This zine is leftist, abolitionist and anti cancel culture. It explores many topics that cancel culture claims to address such as gendered violence, abuse, and racism, and shows how cancel culture not only does a bad job at addressing these things, but often ends up reproducing them. It also looks at the trauma of being cancelled and the tenacity needed to survive and thrive after cancellation. This zine continues the conversation on ‘what to do instead’ of cancel culture, and why a culture of harassment, punishment, and abuse will never get us justice.

Fuck the Police Means We Don't Act Like Cops to Each Other #3:
This zine is a series of essays challenging the repeated arguments in favour of cancel culture: that is doesn’t exist, that it’s about justice, that it’s our only effective strategy for taking abuse seriously, that it’s an important tool for marginalized people. The essays explore different elements of cancel culture and of the questions cancel culture claims to answer. Overall it makes the argument that cancel culture is absolutely at odds with an ethics of abolitionism, that is an ineffective tool for ending abuse, that it actually creates new forms of abuse, and that it is ultimately bad for the goal of a creating the broad based movement of workers needed to pose a threat to capitalism and change things. Who should define accountability? How do we create cultures of consent? What does it mean to ‘believe survivors’? Who is to blame and where should we direct our anger? How can we move toward a world where no one is disposable and everyone is treated as a full complex human being? Why is cancel culture a problem for the Left? These and many more questions are explored in the pages of this zine.

Refusing Accountability:
This zine is an edited transcript of Episode 6 of Fucking Cancelled. The episode, titled ‘Refusing to be Accountable: Responsibility, Boundaries, Intervention and Punishment’, is an analysis of violence and conflict and an exploration of some concrete alternatives to cancel culture and ‘accountability’ culture, based on our convictions as anarchists and socialists and our own transformative experiences with 12 Step programs.

Surviving Cancellation:
This zine is an edited transcript of Episode 23 of the podcast. The episode, titled ‘Nobody’s Getting Cancelled: Surviving Cancellation’, is one in which we reflect on the lessons we have learned from our own struggles with cancel culture and try to offer tools for others trying to survive this misunderstood, under-theorized and often extremely traumatic form of life crisis. In particular, we use the concept of the ‘locus of control’ to refocus on our personal agency, and explore the various elements of our lives that are and aren’t within our control. We also offer reflections concerning such topics as legal recourse, the practice of ‘counter-cancelling’, what it means to take responsibility, and the possibility of building cancelled community. The suggestions we offer are meant to apply to anyone who has been cancelled, whether or not they did the things they are accused of. The zine itself is an edited transcript of the episode, modified for ease of reading, with added footnotes and explanations, as well as charts and figures to visualize important concepts.