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Fucking Magic (Book)


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Clementine is a queer punk with a crazy hard past. A sober alcoholic and survivor living with complex ptsd, she is not content to settle for survival. She wants it all: a big, fucked up beautiful life, full of love, sex, and pleasure. Fucking Magic follows Clementine in her adventures as she falls apart and puts herself back together. It grapples with the frustrations of dating while crazy and revels in the hot gay sex of hard-earned survivor sexuality. Fucking Magic has it all: heartbreak, loss, and expansive, stubborn hope. A collection of twelve issues of the popular perzine of the same name, Fucking Magic lays bare the life of a polyamorous bisexual, hopeless romantic, and tenacious dreamer. This is writing for anyone who has suffered and still wants to feel everything.

“Reading Clementine Morrigan's Fucking Magic is like reading the diary of your best friend who just happens to be the coolest queer punk witch. One part memoir, one part prose poetry, one part gorgeous fabulism, and powerful, trauma-informed sexy enchantment all the way through, this collected edition of Morrigan's signature zine series is bound to first capture – and then liberate – the heart of anyone who has lived, loved, and grieved. Queer runaways, survivors, and social justice diehards seeking tenderness and nuance in particular will resonate with the magic of this book. Open it and fall under Morrigan's spell.” – Kai Cheng Thom, author of Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars and I Hope We Choose Love.

“Clementine Morrigan is fearless. She writes with the real-life authority of someone who’s been through the hell of cancellation and back. This book will challenge your assumptions of what a person is to make of their trauma, and spur us all to think and love harder.” – Thomas Chatterton Williams, author of Losing My Cool and Self-Portrait in Black and White.

“A veteran of the beloved underground publishing tradition of zines, Clementine Morrigan is the sober alcoholic love child of William S. Burroughs and Carrie Bradshaw. Self-published for most of her career, she has built a life on grit, library photocopy machine toner, and the sheer strength of her words. In this triumphant collection of personal essays – her runaway best-selling perzine sensation Fucking Magic in one place for the first time – Morrigan gives an account of her life starting from the first real treacherous disappointments of early sobriety and through a brutal, transcendent, and consistently sexy journey of self-liberation. Fucking Magic is a testament to the highs and the lows of life at the margins of madness, joy, and oblivion – a life fought for by fist fighting in alleyways and dark rooms with the darkest underbellies of misery and desire, until they spit a white-hot plume of magic to splatter all over the ground." – Tara McGowan-Ross, author of Scorpio Season and Nothing Will be Different.

Cover art by Alyssa XVX.